Safe Baking Guidance

As most cakes will be sold, bakers should follow this guidance from the Food Standards Agency.

How do volunteers make, transport and store cakes safely?

At home, people making cakes should follow these general tips:

  • always wash your hands before preparing food;
  • make sure that surfaces, bowls, utensils, and any other equipment is clean;
  • don’t use raw eggs in anything that won’t be thoroughly cooked, such as icing or mousse;
  • keep cheesecakes and any cakes or desserts containing fresh cream in the fridge;
  • store cakes in a clean, sealable container, away from raw foods.

On the day, people bringing in cakes from home or running the stall should follow these tips:

  • transport cakes in a clean, sealable container;
  • make sure that cheesecake and any cakes or desserts containing fresh cream are left out of the fridge for the shortest time possible, ideally not longer than four hours;
  • when handling cakes use tongs or a cake slice.